The EAPIL Blog in 2022 – The Year in Review

How did things go with the EAPIL blog in 2022? The following statistics provide some answers.

About 315 posts have been published over the last twelve months. More than 80 of these consisted of reports of, or comments on, court rulings (we mostly covered rulings by the Court of Justice of the European Union, but we also dealt with rulings given by the European Court of Human Rights and by domestic courts). Some 40 posts were about new or contemplated normative texts. The remaining posts mostly concerned new scholarly works or upcoming academic events.

No less than 40 posts were authored by guests, rather than the blog’s permanent editors. The EAPIL blog aims to foster dialogue among anybody interested in private international law, so new inputs are always welcome! For inquiries and submissions, please write an e-mail to or to

The aggregate number of visits and “unique visitors” has increased, compared with last year (+2,8% and +19%, respectively). Interaction with readers remained intense in 2022, as attested by the comments that the blog’s posts attracted (120 in total). The number of subscribers, i.e., those who asked to be notified of new posts, raised to 600, i.e., about 170 more than one year ago.

Our Twitter account and LinkedIn profile also witnessed an increase in interactions.

The three most read posts, among those published in 2022, were Jurisdictional Immunities: Germany v. Italy, Again, on the proceedings instituted by Germany against Italy before the International Court of Justice in April;  Humpty-Dumpty, Arbitration, and the Brussels Regulation: A View from Oxford, by Adrian Briggs, concerning the ruling of the Court of Justice in the case of London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Assistance Association Ltd v Spain; and Marco Buzzoni’s CJEU Adds a New Piece to the ‘Mosaic’ in Gtflix Tv.

The posts that attracted the highest number of written comments were Martina Mantovani’s Notaries and EU PIL: Taking Stock of 5 Years of Case Law, Felix Wilke’s The Silent Death of Conflict-of-Law Provisions in EU Directives?, and Erik Sinander’s Danish Supreme Court: No Tort Liability under Danish Law for Green Desert Operation in Iraq.

Many thanks to all readers, guests and commenters for feeding the exchanges.

2023 will be a year of innovations regarding the blog – and, generally, the website – of the European Association of Private International Law (various improvements are currently being studied, and will be announced in due course). The support of the blog’s community will be more important than ever!

With all best wishes for the New Year from the editors!

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